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Started sales of COCON health in Korea

In addition to these various cooking techniques, there are various other tips that need attention. Why do some people simply make it at home and can be more delicious than the dishes you have prepared for a long time? That is, they have a better understanding of this aspect.
1. Add a little sugar to refresh.
2, follow a truth when cooking, the most difficult to cook first, you can eat raw last. 3, learn to splash oil, the simplest practice is to boil meat slices, splash oil on the way to cook, the dishes will be very bright.
4. Stir-fried vegetables or green vegetables for salads must be torn by hand. The texture is really different from that cut with a knife.
5. If you want to make the fish soup turn milky white, you must fry the fish before pan, and fry both sides.
6, the whole piece of meat cooking needs to break the ribs, slap with the back of the knife, you don't need too much strength.
7, honey can also be used as tender meat.
8. Add some oil when steaming the rice, the rice will be more distinct. Adding a little lily will make the rice become sweet, and adding beer will make the rice fragrant. In addition, the rice steamed out of the water will be more glutinous. .
9, sugar can set off the spicy taste of curry, not only provide sweetness, but also play a role in reconciling other flavors.
10. For scrambled eggs, add a small spoon of water starch or water when the egg liquid is broken. The scrambled eggs will be fluffy and smoother.
11. It's not just peppers that produce spicy flavors, but also black and white pepper, ginger, and garlic.
12, sweetness is not only sugar, but also honey and fructose.
13, the sour taste is not only vinegar, but also lemon and hawthorn.
14, Chinese food is delicious, the key lies in the heat, the heat of the electric stove is much worse than the open flame, you must first burn the pot very hot before you can start frying.
15. Broccoli or shredded potatoes, such as green vegetables that need crispy texture, need to be operated by the ice water method, that is, first fry it in boiling water and then put it in ice water.
16. When making fried food, put a little salt in the pan to prevent the oil from being cheap.
17, there are many things that can go fishy, ​​MSG, sugar, lemon, cooking wine can be.
18. When frying meat, remember that the fire must not be too large, otherwise the dough is fried and the meat is not cooked. When it is fast-cooking, the fire cannot be small, otherwise the oil will be sucked into the ingredients. 19. Don't forget onions, ginger and garlic. These are the three most important condiments.
20, meat will become tender when sour, many dishes are not sour, but there is a vinegar flavor, mainly by adding a little vinegar before the pan, the vinegar is suitable for most meat cooking Remember to pour down the pot.
21. Tofu can be soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes before it goes out of the pot.
22, hot tomatoes in boiling water, it is easy to peel.
23. When cooking ham, spread some sugar on it to make it easier to rot.
23. When cutting pork chops, cut a few small cuts in a tendon, which is not only easy to cook, but also fishy.
24. When steaming fish, you need to see if it is cooked. You can use chopsticks to insert the thickest part of the back of the fish.